Diversify 1m $USDC to equivalent $LUSD

Date: 3 August 2023
Author: Chutoro

The Silo Treasury currently holds $4.2m in $USDC. While $USDC is, and likely will continue to be, one of the leading stablecoins, it remains a centrally backed asset in a so-called decentralized space.

$LUSD is a fully decentralized $ETH-backed stablecoin by Liquity. With its overcollateralized design and stability pool, we believe that it is one of the most resilient decentralized stablecoin and the best candidate for a decentralized alternative to $USDC.

This proposal recommends the swapping of 1m $USDC from the Silo Treasury into equivalent $LUSD.

This is beneficial to the SiloDAO for two reasons:

  1. Minimize exposure to stablecoins that have centralization risk
  2. Support decentralized stablecoin alternatives

Yes - Swap 1m $USDC from the Silo Treasury into equivalent $LUSD
No - Do not swap 1m $USDC from the Silo Treasury into equivalent $LUSD

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