Community discussion: Request new silos (September 2022)

How to request a silo?
1- Reply to this thread with token assets that you would like to see on the Silo lending application.
Please include the token address and a link to a liquidity pool for each token you request.
2- If you prefer not to reply to this post, you can fill out this form.

How do we add silos?
We will run the process below in a monthly cycle:

  • Community gather requests under a monthly governance thread (like the you are reading).
  • Community runs a snapshot vote on requested markets. Votes must include collateral parameters and price oracle for each Silo.
  • Core team carefully screens voted markets and shares recommendations on collateral parameters, price oracles, and interest model configuration for each token asset.
  • The Core team creates on-chain votes to deploy silos based on snapshot results.







$LDO :

token contract : 0x5A98FcBEA516Cf06857215779Fd812CA3beF1B32

Pool LDO/WETH sushiswap : 0xC558F600B34A5f69dD2f0D06Cb8A88d829B7420a

coingecko : Cours de Lido DAO, graphique de LDO et capitalisation boursière | CoinGecko

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I think we should expand staked ETH markets to include more derivatives. Coinbase cbETH is also interesting to look at.


Agree with adding new staked ETH markets.
I think the best choice can be the Rocket Pool $RETH because the TVL is growing fast and the decentralisation looks good with 1400+ nodes and a respectable number of stakers. Time will tell if it’s truly secure but multiple audits were conducted.

$RETH token adress : 0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393

Uniswap v3 $rETH/WETH pool : 0xa4e0faA58465A2D369aa21B3e42d43374c6F9613

Defi llama : Rocket Pool: TVL and stats - DefiLlama


I totally agree. RTH is a great market to have.

ETH derivatives, more stablecoin, memes token (Shib, …) and maybe :



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My company does DEX market making. There are a few tokens we trade that don’t have futures markets because of a lack of Chainlink oracle support; however, Silo’s innovative TWAP model would handle them excellently. Tokens without Chainlink oracles may be good choices for listings, since they would draw on Silo’s strengths.

Gas token markets have always been interesting to us. If such a market opened on Silo, we would seed its liquidity.

GST2 $0.08 | (GST2) Token Tracker | Etherscan
CHI 1inch Network: CHI Token | Address 0x0000000000004946c0e9f43f4dee607b0ef1fa1c | Etherscan

Thank you sir.

Both tokens lack on-chain liquidity, unfortunately.

Silos can be configured for token assets that has sufficient liquidity on Uniswap v3 or Balancer v2, or has a chainlink price feed (coming soon).

We would provide that too. We specialize in DEXs.

I wish Silo wouldn’t add that. TWAP is strictly better because it does not rely on a third party. Chainlink is a regression by comparison.

Another good asset that could take advantage of TWAP is Unisocks (SOCKS), though unlike gas tokens, SOCKS is already listed (in isolation) on another platform (Euler).

+1 to rETH - The ETH staking derivative of Rocket Pool

In the past 5 months growing at a rate faster than other staking protocols. After validator stake can be withdrawn post-merge I would imagine we’ll see a lot of people move towards rocketpool.

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Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH Price in USD: CBETH Live Price Chart & News | CoinGecko

Healthy liquidity on Uniswap as well