A plan to deprecate XAI Stablecoin

The end of XAI experiment

We released the XAI stablecoin for the purpose of seeding liquidity in our markets and generate revenue to SiloDAO. The design was simplistic: Multi-collateral stablecoin without a stability module, relying on deep DEX liquidity to maintain its peg. The basic assumptions were 1- users would borrow XAI to LP it in the Curve pool along with FRAXBP to earn APRs that would far exceed the cost of borrowing XAI, 2- and the DAO would use generated revenues to grow the Curve pool incentives in tandem with its liquidity.

However, in practice the following happened:

  • Most users borrowed XAI and exchanged it for USDC in stead of LPing, leaving the pool almost always imbalaned. The imbalance, which resulted in positive price impact for future LPs, didn’t serve as an incentive to borrow XAI to LP.
  • Despite high LP APRs, XAI failed to scale up its DEX liquidity.
  • Shallow liquidity on DEXs meant that large borrowers could not exchange it for other stablesoins, decreasing XAI’s appeal.
  • Not having a stability module meant XAI hovered slightly below the peg almost all the time, which discouraged users from holding the stablecoin or staking it.
  • The DAO paid roughly $300K in incentives to maintain ~$5M of liquidity. Increasing liquidity would have needed a much bigger budget that would result in negative ROI on the project.

For the aforementioned reasons, it’s in DAO’s best interest to deprecate XAI and use the development and financial resources to focus on the lending product, while researching other viable stablecoin designs.

Deprecation timeline

  • Stop incentivizing XAI/FRAXBP Curve pool on February 14, 2024. We expect incentives to to be cutt off completely by the end of February, 2024.
  • Retract XAI credit lines and direct deposits progressively from relevant markets.
  • Burn credit lines and deprecate the XAI module so no more XAI can be minted.
  • Remove SiloDAO’s deposit into the Curve XAI/FRAXBP.
  • Use vlCVX to vote for SILO/frxETH/crvUSD market and collect bribes.

Next steps

  • Deliberate the proposal.
  • Execute the deprecation plan via onchain proposals.


XAI Stats: XAI Statistics


Action 1

We are updating the IRM parameters for XAI in several markets to increase borrowing interest rates. Since we announced the DAO’s intention to sunset XAI, some users have repaid XAI loans, but many have not. Increasing borrow APRs for XAI will encourage those users to repay.

Below is a summary of the changes:

PS: Refer to this document for this guide on interest rates set by each param type.

bridgeETHv9 interest rate curve:

Update IRM params for XAI in wstETH market

Target market: 0x4f5717f1EfDec78a960f08871903B394e7Ea95Ed

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in wBTC market

Target market: 0x31F3b3B86a074e2ffc4fd75D8Eb9721a75ee04DC

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in FXS market

Target market: 0xf39f64D85AD89200e3b06C67F679c45798bF6a5b

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in USDT market

Target market: 0xcd888c9Bd53c1CA49b9251F74Cc93C73E22963fa

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in BAL market

Target market: 0x92E7E77163FFed918421E3CB6e0A22F2Fe8B37FA

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in stETH-ng-f-silo market

Target market: 0x339666A930fd79C190e824dd9d9df0393b8BD196

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in LUSD market

Target market: 0xbc6594df90ddeada7cdd70dbc08e221a77512deb

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in USDC market

Target market: 0xFCCc27AABd0AB7a0B2Ad2B7760037B1eAb61616b

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in LQTY market

Target market: 0x629b9e70a7d32c718318d691dda5da585e468b82

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Update IRM params for XAI in gOHM market

Target market: 0xc413dd03555f3eb29d834b482d386b2999dc2eb0

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

** Update IRM params for XAI in cbETH market**

Target market: 0x2eaf84b425822edF450fC5FdeEc085f2e5aDa98b

Target asset (XAI): $0.99 | XAI Stablecoin (XAI) Token Tracker | Etherscan

IRM parameters: bridgeETHv9

Action 2
Burn XAI credit line lines in the following markets:

Date Target Silo Target Silo (Address) Burn amount
4/17/2024 LQTY 0x629b9e70a7d32c718318d691dda5da585e468b82 Burn full available
4/17/2024 gOHM 0xc413dd03555f3eb29d834b482d386b2999dc2eb0 Burn full available
4/17/2024 XAI-ETH 0xC8CD77d4cd9511f2822f24aD14FE9e3C97C57836 Burn full available
4/17/2024 sXAI-stkcvxLUSD3CRV-f-silo 0x74a633b156b55711D0c91e64fa7DE3B7aF87470a Burn full available
4/17/2024 YFI 0xa0460fceb47886920aad8a87b627f3890793d1a6 Burn full available
4/17/2024 LINK 0xcB3B879aB11F825885d5aDD8Bf3672596d35197C Burn full available
4/17/2024 CVX 0xa104F14AeeB9b7246367D6a6E1f4E2C61A70e5d3 Burn full available
4/17/2024 OHM 0xf5ffabab8f9a6f4f6de1f0dd6e0820f68657d7db Burn full available
4/17/2024 XAI-USDC 0xFCCc27AABd0AB7a0B2Ad2B7760037B1eAb61616b 3,510,445
4/17/2024 LUSD 0xbc6594df90ddeada7cdd70dbc08e221a77512deb 365,471.00
4/17/2024 sXAI-stkcvxstETH-ng-f-silo 0x339666A930fd79C190e824dd9d9df0393b8BD196 254372.775
4/17/2024 rETH 0xb1590d554dc7d66f710369983b46a5905ad34c8c 250,000.00
4/17/2024 cbETH 0x2eaf84b425822edf450fc5fdeec085f2e5ada98b 221,681.63
4/17/2024 BAL 0x92E7E77163FFed918421E3CB6e0A22F2Fe8B37FA 136,895.99
4/17/2024 USDT 0xcd888c9Bd53c1CA49b9251F74Cc93C73E22963fa 33,136.65
4/17/2024 FXS 0xf39f64D85AD89200e3b06C67F679c45798bF6a5b 21656.8
4/17/2024 wstETH/ETH 0x03ff864f65a69e6c025f68f5695fa243f8d2d61b 0.00
4/17/2024 wBTC 0xbC6594df90ddeADA7CDd70dBc08E221a77512Deb 0.00

XAI credit line stats: XAI Statistics